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What our customers say!

“I could see ordering some unique pieces for command stands and the like to fill out existing 15mm armies”

“Now finally I have the time and the inner peace to open you parcel and to check my order. The figures are really nice. I think, 3D-Printing will be the future of our hobby.
Some bayonets have been broken of, but they are really tiny and so it might happen…”

“Looks like a range made for dioramas rather than gaming, but marvelously animated sculpts.”

“your figures are the fantasy of every one painter of figures 1 / 72.Thank you for showing this gigantic and meticulous job … Also, ACW is one of my favorite periods, greetings”

“Hi mates,
This morning I received an order for these figures.
I had some doubts about the quality of figures made in 3D from experiences with other manufactures .., its quality did not satisfy me.
however, I have been amazed at the quality of these. They hardly have any small flash, insignificant compared to most plastic figures and easily solved with a blade in a few minutes.
I was afraid that the details did not have enough relief to do a good job of painting, but despite not having painted any yet, I think you can get satisfactory results.
what has amazed me positively is the originality of the poses, which for an amateur like me to imitate paintings about war scenes (like the wonderful works of Don troiani or Ferrer Dalmau, for example) gives me the possibility of making vignettes full of action and very realistic.
I would love them to be a little bigger, but their size is not too small … remember the ACW esci figures regarding that matter.
To sum up, thank you very much to the manufacturers and I hope they continue to manufacture more and more infantry, artillery and especially cavalry poses with so high quality.”

“Their site is pretty explicit that any scale is doable. Not sure how well the muskets would work in a gaming setting, but their routing figures, (at least a dozen workable figs)”



“my order of Speira Miniatures arrived today and they look amazing! I was really impressed with your service too. I ordered the figures on Sunday and they arrived today – just 5 days from Europe to North Carolina!! Bravo!!!!”


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